The beauty and power of waves has always captivated me. My goal is to capture exploding ocean surf, crashing waves, or the light reflecting off waves and shining within them. Recreating this energy in acrylic on canvas is a never-ending joy and challenge.
24" by 36" acrylic on canvas. Available.
24”h by 36”w acrylic on canvas.
Available at my studio
30”h by 48”w acrylic on canvas
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Mexico
48”h by 30”w acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas, 36" by 48"
Available at my studio
36”h by 48”w acrylic on canvas
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Mexico
Custom painted to fit a 25-foot-long wall at a home near Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
47”h by 290”w acrylic on canvas
Close-up of “Storm Surf and Sunlight”
Available at my studio
Acrylic on two canvases, gallery-wrapped, 30” high by 96” wide overall. To be sold as one painting.
Available at my studio
Acrylic on canvas, 12" by 48"
Available at my studio
Acrylic on canvas, 2013, 16" by 60"
acrylic on canvas, 16”h by 20”w
Available at my studio
Acrylic on canvas, 30” high by 40” wide
Available at my studio
24” h by 36” w acrylic on canvas.
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Mexico
24” h by 36” w acrylic on canvas
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Mexico
24” by 36” acrylic on canvas
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Mexico
24" by 36" acrylic on canvas 2018
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Baja California
24” by 20” acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas, 16” by 20”
36” by 48” acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas, 48”by 36” 2020
Acrylic on canvas, 40” by 60”
Acrylic on Canvas, 40” by 60”
Acrylic on Canvas, 24” by 36”
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Baja California
Acrylic on canvas, 16" by 20"
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Baja California
Acrylic on canvas, 16” by 20”
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Baja California
Acrylic on canvas, 34” by 82”
Available at Jill Logan Gallery, Todos Santos, Baja Clifornia
Acrylic on canvas , 24” by 36”
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Baja California
24" by 36" acrylic on canvas
24" by 36" acrylic on canvas, 2016
24" by 36" acrylic on canvas, 2016
Acrylic on canvas, 2015, 36" by 48"
Acrylic on canvas, 2015, 16" by 20"
Acrylic on canvas, 2015, 16" by 20"
Acrylic on canvas, 2015, 36" by 48"
Acrylic on canvas, 2015, 16" by 20"
Acrylic on canvas, 2015, 36" by 36"
Acrylic on canvas, 2015, 24" by 36"
Acrylic on canvas, 2013, 12" by 48"
Acrylic on canvas, 2013, 12" by 48"
Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 36" by 48"
Acrylic on canvas, 2007, 24" by 30"
Acrylic on canvas, 2011, 24" by 36"
Acrylic on canvas, 2008, 48" by 36"
Acrylic on canvas, 2007, 40" by 60"
Acrylic and watercolor on paper, 40” high by 30” wide
Acrylic on panel, 2015, 16" by 20"
Acrylic and watercolor on paper, 30” high by 40” wide
24” by 36” acrylic on canvas 2017
Acrylic on canvas, 2015, 36" by 48"
My challenge is to try to say new things about waves.
Drawing allows me to capture detail and subtle shades of light, in ocean surf, sand and coastal landscapes. I'm enchanted by crashing waves, how they shape sand, and the affects of sunlight on water.
These pencil drawings take about a month to complete, from concept sketches to finished image.
34”h by 26”w graphite on rag paper, 2024
15” by 20” graphite on rag paper.
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2015, 22" by 15"
22” h by 30” w graphite on rag paper, 2024
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2020, 22" by 30"
The sun briefly lit up this wave that was all foam on the surface. I created the composition from memory and photos taken in winter on the Humboldt coast, northern California.
22" by 30" Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2017
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 22" by 30", 2024
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Mexico. (can be shipped anywhere)
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 30"
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 22" by 30" 2018
Available at Jill Logan Galeria, Todos Santos, Mexico. (can be shipped anywhere)
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 22"h by 30"w, 2017
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 22" by 30" 2018
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 22" by 30" 2017
10” by 15” graphite tinted with watercolor
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 22" by 30" 2017
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 22" by 30" 2018
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 30" by 22" 2018
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper 22" w by 30" h 2017
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 22" h by 30" w 2015-2017
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2016, 30" by 22"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 22" by 30", 2016
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2016, 11" by 15"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" H by 30" W
At Cape Kiwanda, Oregon, a wave rebounds from the cliffs creating a dramatic explosion with the next oncoming wave.
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 30"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2015, 26" by 34"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2015, 22" by 30"
A receding surge from the previous wave meets an oncoming wave about to break on the shoreline, and the two pile up into an impressive wall, before the whole thing rushes up the beach. Time to run!
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 2015, 22" by 30"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2015, 22" by 30"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2016, 15" by 11"
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 30"
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 2015, 22" by 15"
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 30"
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 30"
Graphite pencil on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 30"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 30"
Graphite pencil Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 30"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2015, 22" by 30"
Graphite on Stonehenge paper, 2014, 22" by 60"
The Great Wave North and The Great Wave South, though framed separately, also merge as one image.
These watercolors are based on ocean surf, splashing waves, beaches and coastlines I’ve observed. They are created from photos and sketches I’ve brought back to my studio.
I enjoy capturing the play of light on crashing waves, on ocean beaches, and coastal landscapes. The energy of ocean surf constantly amazes me.
11” by 15” watercolor 2023
Old houses in Kaukauna Wisconsin inspired this painting.
Watercolor, 20" by 26", 2005
Watercolor, 21 1/2" by 29 1/2"
Watercolor, 2006
29h by 40w, 39h by 50w frame
watercolor 10” by 26”
A beach in the northern coast of Tasmania.
11" by 15" watercolor, frame size approx. 16" by 21", 2015
The surf and foam still glow in the last light of the day...
11" by 14" watercolor
Watercolor, 14" by 21"
19" by 13" watercolor
Watercolor, 8" by 29" Framed size; 14" by 35"
Inspired by California's central coast near San Simeon.
Watercolor, 20" by 26"
A tiny settlement on the northern California coast
watercolor, 14" by 21"
8" by 21" watercolor 2015
The end of a rainy day on the Oregon Coast
19 " by 13" watercolor
Waves and sunlight at Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California.
Watercolor, 8" by 29" Framed size; 14" by 35"
An afternoon of changing fall weather at Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California.
Watercolor, 8" by 29" Framed size; 14" by 35"
The dog awaits the toss into the Pt. Reyes Beach, California.
Watercolor, 8" by 29" Framed size; 14" by 35"
The beach at Pacific City, Oregon on an October afternoon.
Watercolor, 8" by 29" Framed size; 14" by 35"
Watercolor, 8" by 29" Framed size; 14" by 35"
Watercolor, 8" by 29" Framed size; 14" by 35"
A foggy morning, Laguna Beach, California.
Watercolor, 13" by 17"
Inspired by a picnic area called Sand Dollar Beach, on the Big Sur coast, in California. Watercolor, 15" by 21"
A cove on the Mendocino Coast in California. This was begun on-site and finished later.
Watercolor, 10" by 14"
The Commonwealth of New Island is an imaginary 12,600-square-mile island-nation situated 950 miles off the west coast of Australia. It's realism with a twist - a collection of images and stories all tied together as geography. It's a place that could be.
The island’s history, culture, geography, wildlife and climate are described in detail in the New Island Guidebook, available in the "New Island Citizen" page. Updates and events taking place on New Island, such as Alan Faramond's travels, can be viewed at
Like any nation, New Island is further defined by maps, currency, a flag, platted building sites, deeds, and many other artifacts. New Island is real in the imagination of travelers who have found their way here. You can claim your own piece of the island and build a dream getaway: beach house, town house, an earth home in the mountains, a vineyard or a communal farm. To get started, see the "New Island Citizen" page).
Anyone is welcome to come and visit - it's easy to get here.
New Island is still evolving in the form of stories, new pictures, and dream-house projects. I may have started this, but other adventurers in the realm of imagination will carry it on!
This view from space shows the island in its entirety.
Situated 950 miles west of Australia, at about 35 degrees south latitude, the island's climate is like that of California and the Mediterranean.
It's relaxing here, with easy footpath accessibility all over the island, connecting houses and settlements. The unoccupied land, including the beaches, is all held in common and anyone can pass through.
This single-lane road clings to narrow beaches between the ocean and the towering escarpment of the Blue Ranges, further north on the island's eastern coast. Most of this coastline is accessible only by footpath.
The Blue Mountains Highlands end here, at north Cape.
The locals love their wildflowers, and hike to the Yellow Hills Wandering Preserve, north of Putney, every October to enjoy the splendor.
New Islanders are generally eccentric and high-spirited. Some literally live on the very edge and dance in storms...
Accessible by the Great East Coast Path, Isolated Wave Point is a favorite camping, swimming and sun-lovers beach on the eastern coast.
When the surf is up, Putney residents come out here to watch the waves. The shop with the open door is the Maidstone Cafe, a popular coffee house.
Irian is an old Russian resort town on the island's southwestern coast. When Soviet Navy engineers built the bridge in the 1950s, theyadded the statue-of-liberty lamp-posts to boast Soviet-style liberty, and likely to also tweak the Americans!
New Islanders love their trains, one of the greatest benefits left behind from the long period of Russian occupation. Inter-city, commuter lines, and in-town trolley lines are well used here. Private automobiles are rare!
Two friends walk together along the island's eastern coast on their two-year Long Walk. For teens completing public school, the Long Walk helps them find their way in life. Along the way they discover (or at least contemplate) who or what they want to be while exploring their island home. They stop at times to visit and provide work-trade service in trade for food and lodging at many small tribes or settlements along the Path System. The kids usually then go on to University, or settle at one of their stopping-places along the way.
At night on New Island's Highlands, curious and remarkable galactic phenomena are sometimes clearly visible. This is an actual nebula from the Magellanic Cloud seen only through powerful telescopes elsewhere.
Every country has one, and this map, produced by the Tourism Office, shows nearly every road, railway, town, village and natural feature on the island. A short history and cultural overview, plus a Path System map, appear on the reverse.
Officially adopted in April 1992 at the time of the island's independence from the Russian Federation.
The dark blue represents the ocean, the light blue the sky, and the the stars of the Southern Cross. The three stripes signify New Island's three counties, Edgarford, Putney and Mulhenry. The red bands signify islander passion.
The roger, minted in 2003, finally replaced Russian rubles as common tender. "Joy" and "We are One" are the nation's mottoes, and the indigenous blue pelican is the island's national bird. Currently, The brass one-roger, shown here, is equivalent to $22.50 in US currency; The silver collector-edition roger is valued at $55. US.
I've always enjoyed the ocean and its shorelines, and I focus my artwork on that ocean energy. I attempt to capture ocean surf and sunlight on the water, beaches and coastal landscape. I work in watercolor, graphite on paper and acrylic on canvas.
New Island is my other project, a fictional island presented, with maps, a guidebook and more. I treat it as if it was a real place, an alternate reality if you will.
The work shown on these pages is updated every month or so. The original artwork is available for sale, unless marked sold.
For a complete pdf catalog of my artwork with prices, or other information, please contact me at