Through April, I'll have several new paintings, drawings and three new prints at the Mud and Print Gallery, Appleton, WI. A meet-and-greet reception will be from 6 to 8 pm Friday April 7th.
Also, two large drawings have been accepted into the Neville Public Museum's Art Annual in Green Bay, WI. The opening reception will be held from 6 to 8 pm on Tuesday, April 11, and the show runs until early June.
Beginning in May, I will have several pieces at the Arts of Daycholah Gallery in Green Lake, Wisconsin. The exhibition will run through this coming summer.
"Rampant", 30" by 40" acrylic on canvas, 2017, framed. (At Mud & Print Gallery through April)
"Sky and Surf", 30" by 22" graphite on rag paper - currently at Mud & Print Gallery