What a year...

A branch office of my bank on New Island, a novel called The Hum, Australia.

The Bank of Kaukauna, in Kaukauna Wisconsin asked me to create a branch office in West Putney, on New Island. Besides the 45” by 62” acrylic painting above, the bank received documentation securing the bank’s site; local currency, a guidebook and a road map. West Putney is a neighborhood near Putney, the island’s largest city.

This deed and plat map were collaged onto the painting. Signed copies of these are in the bank’s files.

Next: Deciding when and how to publish my young adult novel The Hum.

Episode 1, Gordy, below, is written and illustrated in a graphic-novel style. Episodes 2 through five of this young-adult novel are so far in standard text format. I’ll know more by the next post.

It all starts here…

Now it’s time to take a break and visit my daughter in Australia. We’ll take some road trips, and see as many beaches and surf breaks as possible, mostly on continent’s west coast. I’ll post photos later!

Best wishes,
